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Saturday 7-23 Houghs Neck to Outer Brewster

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:57 am
by pdetorres
Taking two expert canoe paddlers, lapsed kayakers, all in kayaks, to Outer brewster to explore places they canoed to many years ago.
leaving Saturday 7-23 at 8:30 am to not fight the tide too much and be back by 2:00 pm before potential thunderstorms.
leaving from Houghs Neck public boat ramp.

Fellow paddlers welcome.


Re: Saturday 7-23 Houghs Neck to Outer Brewster

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:56 pm
by rkhederian
Hi Pablo,
I emailed you on NSPN (for some reason there is not reply button). At any rate, I will be joining you tomorrow. Please confirm address is 137 Bayview Ave Quincy. I have never launched from Houghs neck before.
Bob Khederian (wooden Kayak)