Location: | Duxbury, MA |
Type: | Protected bay and tidal streams |
Map and launch locations |
Duxbury Bay is a paddling destination suitable for beginners, intermediate, and those wishing to transition to ocean kayaking. And regardless of your level of expertise, it's a very scenic and diverse area to paddle.
The primary launch spot is at the inland end of the Powder Point Bridge. North of the bridge, the waters tend to be fairly calm, except on especially windy days. Several estuary streams wander through some pretty marshland and make for some beautiful flatwater paddling. But like all tidal estuaries, your trips should be on the high tide end of the schedule.
South of the bridge, the bay is protected by a peninsula that incorporates Duxbury Beach, Saquish, and The Gurnet. However, this area is fairly open, and on breezy days, two-foot chop isn't unusual.
If you head south and across the bay for about 2.5 miles, you'll run into Clarke Island, fabled retreat of Truman Capote. As you pass the quaint villagers weairing their traditional Armani and Gucci tribal costumes, their warm smiles say "Don't even think of landing on my multi-million-dollar property!" Best to paddle across to Saquish. Try not to land right in front of a cottage, because Mass laws state that they own the beach down to the high tide water mark. However, there is a lot of open area where you shouldn't be bothering anyone.
Once you reach the southwestern tip of Saquish, you will be facing the primary channel into Plymouth Harbor. Cross this area with caution. There are many boats traveling through here, and at this point, many of them start to open it up as they are approaching open ocean. The chop here is unpredictable and can be substantial.

From the launch area at the Powder Point bridge, you can also head south along the inland coast and up the Bluefish River and under the Washington Street bridge.
Continuing south, you'll ultimately enter a baylet (I just made that word up) - Eagles Nest Bay. You can paddle under a bridge and up a short tidal creek. Or you can continue around Eagles Nest Point and then Goose Neck Point. At this point (do we have enough points yet?), you'll be entering Kingston Bay.
Soon on the right will be another launch site - Howland's Landing. If you're up for shuttling cars and boats, this could make for a nice little one-way trip.
As with many of the bay areas, you're better off paddling closer to high tide. Although pulling your kayak through shallow mud flats makes for a funny story later on, I guarantee that it will be the worst part of your day.
Launch Spots:
Powder Point Bridge: Rt 3 to exit 11 - take Rt 14 east - at one point, it will fork to the right, so don't go straight onto Rt 139. About 2 miles after exiting the highway, Rt 14 ends at Rt 3A. Go straight through the lights there and continue on that road (St. George Street) about a mile until it ends at Washington Street. Take a left and then a right onto Powder Point Ave. Follow this until you get to Powder Point Bridge (long wooden bridge - see photo above). There is parking on the right.
Howland's Landing: (Just west of Myles Standish monument) Rte 3 to exit 10 (S. Duxbury). Travel on 3A north 2 miles, right onto Chestnut Street, 1 mile to Hall's Corner. At the flagpole, 2nd right onto Standish Street - after ½ mile turn right at Crescent St (tennis court), 1/2 mile turn right at Howland's Landing.
For more information on paddling Duxbury Bay, read the trip reports from 05-30-05 and 06-4-05.